Cheney: the Nonstory
Cheney: the nonstory By Anthony Harris Editorial Staff Contributing Writer As many of us now know, Vice President Dick Cheney recently shot 78-year-old Harry Whittington in a hunting accident. As engrossing as this is, why do I feel this is a nonstory? This just felt like a piece of information that I should know and then move on. If Whittington were to die, I’d be concerned about the ramifications to the vice president. If he were to fall under a grand jury probe, I’d take more notice. But Whittington isn’t dead. He’s receiving treatment in Corpus Christi. All is well in the world. I no longer care. I can’t keep looking to the nonstories. I may not be as enthralled as the rest of the world about whether Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are still together. I’m not outraged that Brittney Spears carried her baby while driving. To go back to the original stor...