
Showing posts from April, 2008

Did Morehouse Make a Man of Me?

A third of this isn't going to make the newspaper. This concludes my time with The Maroon Tiger , at least that I can anticipate. That's all I think I have to say about that... for now. Cartoon by Donovan X. Ramsey Did Morehouse Make a Man of Me? Anthony Harris Opinions Editor I have a tendency to overdo things, especially at the end of things. When I used to work at Jazzman’s, I wrote a four page letter of resignation (single spaced) when I quit. When I graduated high school, I wrote a ten page manifesto and printed fifty copies that I handed out on the last day of school. Well, I have a page on a newspaper now, so I’d be remiss if I didn’t find some proper closure for the four years I’ve spent here (and the two years I’ve spent as the editor of this section). When thinking about the years you spend in college, you tend to ask yourself many questions as graduation nears. Did I work hard enough? Did I do enough? What will

Beware April’s Allure

Anthony Harris Opinions Editor T. S. Eliot once wrote, “April is the cruellest month.” Seventy one years later, jazz singer Michael Franks disagreed with him. Despite my love of Eliot, I’m clinging more to Michael. Besides, Spring is a great season and Joe Sample never recorded with T. S. Eliot. The best thing about April is the return of such great energy. Winter’s harshness is over. People can stop complaining about the cold, myself included. Everything around is green and coming to life. The idea that the end of the school year is closer and closer. But there is a certain responsibility that comes with April. Final grades are nearing. Seniors are moving like the wind to collect signatures for their graduation clearance forms. Organizations fight over who gets to run Hump Wednesday. Everyone has to focus more on the balance s/he must maintain between work and play. Research paper or party. Mulling over whether or not y

We Don’t Care

Anthony Harris & Alexander Brown Opinions Editor & Associate Opinions Editor & The culmination of this article (and this week’s Opinions section) took a painstaking amount of time. We considered at length how we would come up with three pages of editorial content from previous contributing writers, staff writers, fellow editors, and ourselves. In the last issue of the paper last year, we asked if we could replace the SGA with robots. We reiterate this for this year if only to make the SGA seem more interesting overall. SGA Executive Director and presidential candidate Marcus Daniels, representing Alpha Phi Alpha, oversaw an unsuccessful voter registration drive in February which resulted in the loss numerous voter registration forms, effectively disfranchising dozens of students. Mark Anthony Green attempts to place his name in any sentence involving the words Barack Obama or hope, but many of us would “h

The Responsibility of the SGA

Anthony Harris Opinions Editor Two weeks ago, I published an article essentially belittling the power of the Student Government Association. I stand by what I was saying, but I hope not to oversimplify the message I was trying to convey. I do believe that the SGA is an integral part of Morehouse College , but we should not weigh so much importance on them. But I was also trying to say that I don’t want to give any additional involvement to any candidate. I want each person running for an office to receive the same advice from me that I would give anyone else. I, at the beginning and end of each day, am little more than a concerned student, as we all should be. Therefore, let me take a moment to give some free advice to every candidate running for office. Last year, I noticed a few campaigns stealing ideas from my articles anyway. I’m not upset about that; it’s an indication that I’m doing my job well. First and foremost, I’ve said for years that

The Environmental Dream Reborn

So I went to Memphis over the weekend to attend the Dream Reborn environmental conference and to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. So since I was one of the few people on newspaper staff who went on the trip, I covered the event. Reporting is not what I do, but I did it. I don't think kindly on doing it again, but I wrote it, so here it is. The Environmental Dream Reborn Anthony Harris Opinions Editor Over a weekend associated with the loss of a man who had a dream for humanity, a similar group started a new dream. African-American environmentalist and founder of the Green for All Organization Van Jones headed the Dream Reborn Conference in Memphis , Tenn. over the April 4 weekend, the same time of year the city was in reverence to the 40 th anniversary of the assassination of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (C’48) at the Lorraine Motel. A group of o

Looking to the Future

Anthony Harris Opinions Editor I write this article as I prepare for a trip to Memphis to commemorate the assassination of famed alumnus, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As 20 Questions noted last week, it is odd that we are commemorating a death, but I get to go to on a weekend trip for twenty bucks so I don’t have much of a problem with it. But as I pack for this mini-vacation, I can’t help but think about the parallels before me. I’ve been freaking out lately thinking about the future. I have 38 days left (yes, the countdown still moves on) and other than sleep, I don’t quite know what I’m doing on Day 39. I can bet there are those around here who have their lives set for themselves. They have internships in the summer, big jobs, and graduate schools after they graduate. Even those who don’t even have to think about these sorts of things for years down the line can have some sense of security. But when you get right down to it, we’re all rea