
Showing posts from 2007

The Restoration of Antiquity

Seven weeks ago, I rather poetically posed the question “what is a Morehouse Man?” I, in a rather roundabout manner, spoke on how there is no universal standard for the end-product of a Morehouse education. There is not one idea for who we all should be when we grow in this place. I also made a small fight for my hat. I walked into the cafeteria a week ago and saw a new sign near the register with a hooded and hatted silhouette with a cross over him. I didn’t know my trademark Kangol was so deplorable to render the same effigy one would give to a drug free sign or the Ghostbusters. I feel the notion of removing one’s hat when entering a building to be antiquated. This history of hat etiquette is one in which the customs of society were in different situations. Everyone wore hats years ago. A belief structure and code of manners was formed because of it. There were established reasons why these rules were formed. This is not so today. I would research the hist...

Homecoming Aftermath

In the ongoing rampage I have against the lack of value, I once again ask a money question I know many of you have already asked: why did I just pay for my own homecoming? Student fees for this semester (at least for me as a tier two student, I don’t really know what tier one costs) is $746. A significant portion of this money is relegate to the Student Government Association and as I have said to various individuals, I consider the SGA a celebrated homecoming committee. Apparently, I must remove the adjective “celebrated.” I go to no events. I can’t really complain about that. This is a fault on me considering I don’t like many things. Anyone who has read my work knows I complain, so I can’t complain about not going to any events. But when you really think about it, if I had gone to anything, chances are I would have paid for them twice. I’m not really moved to hear J. Holiday or Lil Wayne, but I’m certainly not moved to pay for them again. I had already ma...

The Homecoming Examples

For the first time in a long time, I’m actually looking forward to Homecoming. I always tell the story of the first time I fell in love with Morehouse. I never knew anything about it when I grew up. My mother told me to apply to at least five Black colleges in my senior year of high school. I, being hardheaded, got lazy and didn’t really enjoy that prospect anyway and just applied to the only one on the common application, which just happened to be Morehouse College . I got my acceptance letter with a tuition scholarship and I came here because it was the best offer. I relished in the ride here from San Antonio and I went through the run around that is the first day of NSO. I could care less about Morehouse. I wasn’t looking to make friends or make that big of a statement here. I wanted my degree in English in my four years and to move on to whatever the Lord had next in my life. Many freshmen always fall in love with the rhetoric they hear at NSO and find most of ...

The Over-Caffeinated Masses

Due to extenuating circumstance, I had publish a couple of blogposts that I had originally written on the Myspace blog . Thusly, I have reprinted them here. I've been reading a bunch of Esquire Magazine writer, Chuck Klosterman. I read three of his books in about two weeks. It's sort of ridiculous. Anyway, because of his highly vocal love of Mountain Dew, I picked it up again. I bought two 2-liters of Mountain Dew and 1 2-liter of Vault from Wal-Mart the other day. I finished one bottle today which got me thinking: when did we need all this caffeine? Americans have this idea that we're working more and faster than ever. We're doing all we can to not fall behind. Our work ethic is unparalleled in all the world. We can't be like Mexico where we all take a nap in the middle of the day. We aren't like Italy where we work for six straight months and then take a six month vacation. We're not like Afghanistan where we can all take a break five t...

MARTA Must Reconsider

Due to extenuating circumstances, I had to move a couple of blogposts from the Myspace blog to the Opinions page. In the order of posterity, I shall reprint them here as well. In the four car-less years that I've been in college, I have become quite familiar with the MARTA public train system. I have seen it's evolution from tokens and turnstiles to breeze cards and laser beam doors. Technology has changed dramatically over time, but the service has not. I have heard many people complain about rate hikes and confusing machines. I have seen people get more intuitive on skipping fares and seen methods change to stop it. I have smelled more drunkards and urine there than in many walks through the West End . I have touched hands with more panhandlers and crackheads than I have ever cared to encounter. The MARTA has done all could to ensure that it serves the city of Atlanta with the bare minimum: collect money to transport people. While there have been some new convenie...

The Post-It Note Campaign

There was a bit of a concern on if this article would run. I got confirmation today that it would, so I'm posting my rough draft here and I want to get started with this right away. The Post-It Note Campaign Anthony Harris Opinions Editor In the ongoing goal of making Morehouse College a better place, I’d like to implement a new strategy. I am going to personally buy packs of Post-It notes and place them all over the campus. Whenever I encounter some SGA official or some town hall meeting with Morehouse’s president, when the time comes for questions, I never have many, or at least not the one’s I’m shooting for. Perhaps I should blame it on myself for having more to say to my own laptop than to an officials face. Years ago, I moved into a newly constructed Kaufman Broad Home. I learned that when a home is almost finished with construction, the owner is to walk through the house and place small orange stickers on any imperfections. T...

We Need Action

I can recall a discussion one day at dinner. After the debacle that was our IT department cutting off internet for the students, we still haven’t quite resolved the issue. I have many gamer friends who are more tech savvy than me. One of my friends, outraged at the prospect of never hooking up his Xbox 360 to the network (out of the notion that it’s too much of a strain on the network), has started a letter writing campaign over Facebook to increase the expediency of their working on the issue. After having this discussion, I began to notice the plight. It took me two minutes to download a single megabyte from Mozilla for a new Firefox theme. My internet browsing isn’t as swift as it used to be. When is the last time anyone has used the wireless around here? These are real problems that imply that we aren’t getting the full value out of the $107 we’re paying this semester in technology fees. So as I was discussing this at the aforementioned dinner, a person...

What is a Morehouse Man?

With the coming of President Franklin, rumors have run rampant of a heavy-handed dress code. I have heard that the new football coach has required the players to cut off their dreadlocks and shave their faces. The new freshmen got not only new t-shirts this year, but also snazzy new blazers. There’s talk of forcing chapel for all students as an actual class (this is in addition to Crown Forum). It’s talk of the return to the standards upheld in the Benjamin Mays days. This talk only seems like a danger to me. This talk ignores the question we should all ponder in our time here. What is a Morehouse Man? Is he the kind of man that is acceptable to the white businessman? Is he the kind of man that everyone loves? Is he the kind of man that won’t rattle the cages of the world? Is he docile? Is he submissive? What is a Morehouse Man? Is he the King who led people peacefully but still had the courage to fight? Is he the Lee who spoke in such a way that every man, woma...


Anyone who really knows me knows that I’m quite hopeful in my heart. I may exude harsh words often, but it’s only because I hold high standards. I complain so often about Morehouse because I expect so much from it and I hope that some form of prodding will push it to become the institution for Black men that I expect it to be. This is one of those complaints. I really wanted to be positive for the first issue of the paper. I knew I would have a page to fill and that I would have to do so single-handedly. Over the course of two days, I knew I would have to type a minimum of 1,900 words about my positive expectations for the year and not to frighten all the new “Franklin Men” with their pristine blazers. I had hoped to do this and then turn on the anger for the second issue, but Morehouse pushed me. On my arrival, I saw the poorly paved streets of the West End once again. The Greensferry Project is still a thorn in our community’s side. I go through the check-in pr...

Regarding Hall Brotherhood

I recently had a hall meeting. The signs were posted all across Mays Hall for people to gather at ten in the evening. After three years of hearing the standard boilerplate, I mulled over whether or not I should attend. My nagging sense of obligation forced me to attend. I would say that I regretted the decision but then I wouldn’t have this article. After some confusion about the meeting changing from a general hall meeting to simultaneous floor meetings (which is entirely the fault of the residential life staff considering no one received proper notification of this change), we went over the standard “getting to know you” meeting. Somehow, this meeting was different. The hallway was louder than in prior years. The people seemed glad to be there. Too many doors were open in the day. People are talking of hall step teams and chants and hand signs. For some odd reason, Mays hall was acting like a freshman dormitory (or at least the third floor was). There are a fe...

2007: The Year of Accountability

One very crucial value I think people should have is accountability. It keeps people in check. It oversees action. It forces people to consider consequences. Accountability is a quality that I have come to cherish in my life. It is also a value that I would love this institution to uphold this year. The hustle and bustle of this new year is filled with hope. We wrap up registration, moving in, and preparing for the start of classes with goals in mind. This August marks the beginning of something for all of us whether it is as students, faculty, or staff. Yet we must keep in mind that this start is something we control. This fall semester is a clean slate for any transgressions, whether they are academic or personal. This fall semester should begin with a pledge that the 141 st year of Morehouse College should far surpass the progress we made in the 140 th . The mark of excellence that we like to say we have begins with all of us towing the line. All of us...
The Caffeinated Masses Simulcast on Myspace So like I've been saying a lot in the past week, I've been reading a bunch of Chuck Klosterman. In about a week and a half, I read two of his books. It's sort of ridiculous. Anyway, because of this, I picked up Mountain Dew again. I bought two 2-liters of Mountain Dew and 1 2-liter of Vault from Wal-mart the other day. I finished one bottle today, although I haven't gotten any writing done. I think I really will get this paper done (or started) but I just have to muster the will. But all this thought about soda has made the think: when did we need all this caffeine? Americans have this idea that we're working more and faster than ever. We're doing all we can to not fall behind. Our work ethic is unparralleled in all the world. We can't be like Mexico where we all take a nap in the middle of the day. We aren't like Italy where we work for six straight months and then take a six month vacation. We...
The CNN/YouTube Democratic Debate I think I want to liveblog the debate this evening. I’m no Arianna Huffington, and this blog really is meant to be more of a supplement to the debate than a summary. Still, I’ll give it a go: 7:11 – Hilary Clinton wants to refer to herself as “progressive” instead of “liberal.” I’m highly bothered by this word choice. If the opposite of liberal is conservative, and Clinton makes a loose connection between liberal and progressive, this means that the opposite of progressive is regressive which is associated with conservative. If someone prominent makes this connection known, this may not play well with the other half of America . 7:12 – I like how Obama doesn’t want make this a Democrat/Republican dichotomy. He fights for America . 7:15 – This candidate video thing looks really stupid. 7:16 – Reparations? Someone asked the reparation question? I don’t think so. And Edwards still doesn’t answer the question after b...
President George W. Bush/Moses Simulcast on Myspace and Blogger While I was taking my shower today, I got to thinking about President Bush. I keep thinking about my parents and my grandmother and why they voted for him. They voted for him because he touts his Christianity. I still think that quite admirable, but I also dread it because he gives Christians a bad name sometimes. I don’t like the idea of pressing Jesus on people because Jesus worked on persuasion. He didn’t want people in the Body if they weren’t willing. I didn’t just follow the Christian, I thought hard before I voted. I knew I didn’t want George Bush to stay in office. But then the Holy Spirit came upon me and I realized that things won’t be that bad. President Bush, while harmful, won’t cause the absolute ruination of America . People blow things out of proportion. Whoever comes into office after him will repair whatever damage he has done hopefully. But I don’t sweat the issue that much...
Why I’m Voting for Joe Biden in the Georgia Primary Simulcast on Myspace and Blogger I’m putting this post on both Myspace and Blogger because it’s just like any other post, but I have been neglecting Blogger for a while since school ended. It probably should be more than just my editorials. So, today I have many things to do around the house to prepare for the birthday party I’m having on Saturday. I walk back into the house after edging the yard; I sit down at my computer and read my email. Then I look to Facebook to see if I have any more birthday blessings. What I found perplexing is that no less than three people all have about the same message: “Happy Birthday! Joe Biden?” Instead of writing messages separately on their walls saying, “Thanks! Trust me on this one,” I just decided to write out a blogpost. So I went downstairs, took a shower, ran some water to wash some clothes, got some iced coffee out of the refrigerator (a delicious summertime treat) an...

The Professor is not Middle Management

The Student is Not the Client: The Professor is Not Middle Management Anthony Harris Opinions Section Editor Our school is facing a serious problem.  Those who have toiled for years, those who have dedicated years of service to Morehouse, those who have worked diligently for the good of the students are leaving in droves.  In what many thought was a teaching institution, professors across multiple subjects are leaving for various reasons, the most predominant of these is tenure. The source of the problem has the same source as it does in other institutions: we hold new standards to professors in the face of a new look at education.  Administrations expect publication for paltry salaries.  They expect constant research and public accomplishment to make the school look good, all the while neglecting the main job of being a professor: professing. Schools do not expect teachers to be teachers but ad campaigns.  We...

Caveat Emptor

The Student is Not the Client: Caveat Emptor Anthony Harris Opinions Section Editor A little while ago, I was speaking with a good friend of mine, Junior Class Senator Chad Courtney.  He was telling me about why he was running for Senior Class Vice President (he’s running unopposed, so no one questions this article as an endorsement or a conflict of interests) and he asked me what I expected from the SGA.  I told him I didn’t expect anything. I explained to him that anything I really wanted to do at Morehouse, I could do on my own.  The entire grass situation that has been on everyone’s lips weren’t done because I made some requisition form or because I had to see the corresponding secretary or the president.  Even in the situations in which I had some assistance with SGA officials, I found my efforts to be most effective when I acted on my own. I got the answers I was looking for (our evergreen grass is not strong enou...

Enough with the Grass!

The Student is Not the Client: Enough with the Grass Anthony Harris Opinions Section Editor I promise that this will be my last article about grass.  I just like the idea of keeping people informed on the issue. I met with André Bertrand, Vice President of Campus Operations, to inquire about the use of the campus green.  I had more information given to me in that meeting than in any experience I’ve had since I’ve been at Morehouse.  I asked questions and I got answers.  I wasn’t handled or patronized.  I wasn’t instructed on how to hold a meeting or sequestered like a child.  I had my questions answered the way a client should. To some, I may have been handled.  I am writing an article to the students of Morehouse College stating that we should in fact not use the grass to preserve it.  We should find some means to cooperate with the campus to enrich dying student life and preserv...

It Honestly Is More Than Just Grass

It Honestly is More Than Just Grass Anthony Harris Opinions Section Editor Every now and then, I tend to write things with lofty ideas.  I sit at my laptop with the thought that I can teach my beloved school about Faulknerian universal truths (“love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice” according to his 1949 Nobel Prize acceptance speech) and most of all truth.  Many feel that I often miss my point. One week ago, I published what was possibly my most accepted article.  The one about the seemingly insignificant grass.  What many people said to me and thought about the article was that I spent so long on an issue that seems rather small.  I felt I was lucky that my article was read at all amidst the grand hubbub of secret societies.  Still, many did not see the issue that I was presenting, and therefore I take the opportunity to elucidate my main point. My argument was not merely a...