After a long absence, I have returned. The season is up again and this is the first editorial I'm writing as editor of the section. This is partly a pitch to the freshman and a welcome to Morehouse through the section. Real issues are soon to follow as I have the resources to troll thorugh Google News like I used to.

One Voice of Many
By Anthony Harris
Editorial Section Editor
Over the course of the last year, I walked about the campus stewing. I would be the harbinger of the truth. I would be the one to teach newcomers not to believe the hype. I’d be the one to change the system and bring people out of darkness and into the light. I was a conflicted soul.
I’ve always believed that it was my job to tell the truth in any scenario. I’d warn freshmen about the low points of Morehouse. I’d teach white people about the latent racism that still thrives. I’d teach my Negro brethren about the diverse subgroups of the race instead of the all-invasive hip-hop culture. But over time, I found what many have known all along: a leader without followers is just a guy taking a walk.
I have since refined myself. I have tried more and more not to be the angry Black man that many have known me to be and just tried to be like Paul the Apostle, attempt to be all things to all people in order to get across my message. While I may be far from this goal, I have come into a position where I can be part of a conduit of voices. I am the editor of a section that corrals some of the greatest Black minds on earth so that they may speak the truth to one another.
This is the place for the voices that are not normally heard. This is the place for the weak and weary to speak their minds. This is the place where real arguments are given to the brightest of the Black community.
But even if you find that your voice may not be best served through the Tiger (I had to make my pitch somehow) you are still a student of the Atlanta University Center. You are still in the midst of a historic colloquium of Negro minds. We are in a refuge where we can freely discuss improving the Black community through rehab centers and revitalizing businesses. We are here not only to learn through the classroom but through our peers. We can receive those insightful moments from Brawley to Chivers, from Sale to Archer, from the quad to lower Manley. It is here where our tongues are free to discuss what really matters to us without fear of reverse racism. It is here where Negros can be Negros.
So with is with all this in mind that I welcome you to Atlanta. The time you spend here will clearly be eye opening, moreso than you may ever believe. When I first set foot on this hallowed ground two years ago, I frankly didn’t care much for my people, my history, and this hype. Over time, I came to realize how much I would make this House a home. No matter how often I run away to other campuses or cities, I find myself longing for Dear Old Morehouse. I pray that all of you think of this place in the same way.


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