Jazz for the Masses IX
It's an honor to be able to put this jazz show on again this year, this being its ninth. Through sheer inertia it keeps happening and it's a delight that people look forward to this thing I do. No one does a free jazz party during SXSW and it's still kind of crazy to me that I'm still the only one who does this.
Jazz for the Masses IX
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Lazarus Brewing Co.
1902 E. 6th St., Austin, TX
Times are subject to change
12:30 pm - Garrett Wingfield (MIA)
2:30 pm - Daniel Villarreal (ChIll)
3:30 pm - The Whale (SATX)
4:30 pm - Jamail (SATX)
5:30 pm - Richard Huntley (ATX)
6:30 pm - JaRon Marshall (ATX)