The Line-Up for 7-1-2011

I spent all week putting the playlist for this Line-Up together. I meticulously entered track by track into an Evernote, taking a whole week to cobble together a good show. I figured I was completely wrapped by Thursday only to find I had a little more time to fill and fill it I did. That's how much effort I give to all this. It takes a whole week to put a show together.

Anthony Wilson - Transition
Campo Belo is a pleasant album, in a good way. Usually when I say an album is "pleasant", I mean that it's nice to play but not particularly evocative. I may play a pleasant album only once and forget it soon after. Wilson's latest album does not fit this bill in the least. I've been thoroughly enjoying it ever since I got it last week.
Russell Gunn - Blue In Green
This is the only track that I didn't have already figured out earlier in the week. I figured I'd play Gunn after looking at some old playlists and realizing I hadn't played any of his work in a while.
ERIMAJ - End of the Rainbow
Jamire Williams celebrated his birthday yesterday by jaunting off to some European tour dates. I'm celebrating by playing a song off his EP, Memo to All.
Esperanza Spalding - Inútil Paisagem feat. Gretchen Parlato
This came to mind from the songs that follow it needing to be surrounded by something else with some bossa nova flair.
Sound Directions - Dice Game/Wanda Vidal
I love this song because you come for "Dice Game" but I really stay for "Wanda Vidal".
Bebel Gilberto - Aganjú
I remember the first time I hear this song playing on satellite radio riding home late at night in Georgia. The opening of it was pleasant but as it built into its funky, electric, lounge grooves, I was entirely bowled over. I want to be able to do that for someone out there to feel that same reaction.
The Odd Trio - Electric Relaxation
I like this version because if you watch the video, the last part of the song is drummed on a 40 oz beer bottle. That's dope.
Marco Benevento - Coffee Cold
This song is just too cool for school. That is all.
Thundercat - For Love I Come
I've been playing the Brainfeeder/Mochilla George Duke mix a lot this week, so naturally I had to play what the Duke inspired.
Nujabes - Peaceland
This song is dope and you know it.

Mic Breaks
Fat Jon - How You Feel
Fat Jon - Funkin'
Thelonious Martin - Break In Case Of Emergency
Thelonious Martin - A Hot Day In Winter


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