A List of Blog Ideas I've Been Planning and Could Possibly Come to Fruition (with a whole lot of poking and prodding)

I know, I know. I haven't really written anything here in a while. There's actually a long list of topics I have been developing in my head for blogposts that I've wanted to write but haven't had the motivation to fully articulate. After foraging through little piles of paper in my room, I've found my Post-Its of ideas that need development:

- Radiohead: 21st Century Pink Floyd or Beatles
  •      art
  •      craft, composition, strength of covers
  •      lack of drug use
- Response to Kyla Marshell Berry's post decrying nerds
(Yeah, I've been in writer's lethargy since at least October. I've seriously wanted to respond to her well-written but somewhat polarizing post for three months now and have kept it on my mind all that time.)

- A Critique of Vince Guaraldi's work with Peanuts

- The Role of the Ugly American
  •      Wendell's specialty
  •      Kris's vegetarianism
  •      Steve's suggestion
- Proposed Soda Tax is equivalent to the Stupak Amendment
(remember when everyone was in a tizzy about that thing?)

  • right to choose over body overpowered by government applying financial stipulation geared against poor people (minorities)

- My lack of a Best of 2009 jazz album list
If anything, I can't think of much beyond Vijay Iyer's Historicity (which everyone loves) and Darcy James Argue's Secret Society's Infernal Machines (which was also very well received).

- Why Up in the Air and Inglorious Basterds will be nominated for Oscars for Best Picture, why they're the only two Oscar contenders I've seen this season, and why neither of them will win.

- Why the aughts really weren't that bad. Or at least why those in my yet unnamed generation probably won't bear so much ill will against it.


At some point of time or another, I've said that I'd write on these things over the last few months. Unfortunately, I just didn't have the will to write. Then I got a job and seriously lost motivation. Then I got the radio show and did a blog post each week for it and considered posting a show each week to be the consistency on this blog that I've wanted to maintain anyway, so I was essentially cheating myself by saying, "Hey, at least there's a post every week." Well, I really need to stop that.

If you're here because of my radio show, KRTU's The Line-Up, welcome. Sure, I've loved jazz music much longer than I've been a writer but I've loved writing (and had this blog) much longer than I've had a radio show. With the exception of this coming Friday (because the station is running on auxiliary power this week and someone else will be taking over my show), there will still likely be blogposts and streams each week for The Line-Up. Still, I would like to get back to the original point of this blog and go back to writing. I would eventually like to flesh out all these ideas here. Some of my jazz posts will go here and others will soon be published elsewhere, but I'll get into that later.

It's a rather exciting time for me and on top of the projects I hope to undertake this year, I'd like to finally overcome this writer's lethargy in the immediate future and get back to writing in various media. I want to flesh out the aforementioned topics along with whatever else comes to mind on this blog. I want to do some other projects I have planned in a Wil Wheaton-esque "crazy awesome idea" kind of way.

In the meantime, while I may not always have essays posted here, there's always my Twitter. I seriously haven't tired of that. Otherwise, if you don't here from me like I said on this blog with some interesting, laboriously crafted idea here, I'll see you next Friday for another episode of The Line-Up.


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